Sharing Options
A shared item can be made visible to users who would otherwise have technically no access to it.

You can choose to share one of the following items:
Just this mail
Only the mail itself will be shared. Preceding and subsequent mails in the conversation are not shared.
Preceding mails can be part of the body of the mail itself
This conversation including future replies
The mail itself and all preceding and subsequent mails in the conversation(aka replies) are shared. This does not include drafts and deleted mails.
Mails moved to the “Deleted Items”-Folder are technically not deleted and thus will also be shared.
You can choose the circle of people you want to share the item with:
Just myself
Only the combination of your logged-in Jira user and your logged-in Microsoft 365 user will be able to see this shared item in Jira.Everybody in my company with access to the issue - Recommended
A logged-in Jira user will only be able to see this item if he is also logged in with a Microsoft 365 account of the sharing users organization.Every logged-in user with access to the issue
Any logged-in Jira user will be able to see this shared item.