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Advanced set-up

Difference to simple configuration

In the simple configuration you can set-up the sync of your Jira issues into your Microsoft To Do list in a few simple steps. There are no detailed configuration options available.

Simple mode

Advanced mode

Define To Do list

Define To Do list

Sync two issue types
(Assigned to me, With highest priority)

Sync more issue types
(Assigned to me, priority, status, type etc.)

Basic sync options

More detailed sync options
(e.g. sync due dates of issues in To Do list)



To use Microsoft To Do, you’ll need one of the following accounts:

  • Personal Microsoft account

  • Office 365 school account

  • Office 365 work account

In most cases, you might already have one of those, either for your personal Windows 10 computer or your work email / calendar account. If you are sure you have neither of those accounts, please create a new Microsoft account when installing the app.

To get started, please go to the project for which you want to configure the issue sync. You can find the app in the sidebar of your project then.

Set up the sync

Where to find the feature

  • Open a Jira project → Go to sidebar → Choose “Microsoft To Do”

  • Choose between simple or advanced mode → Choose advanced.

Log in

  • Sure, you need to be logged in with your Microsoft 365 account

Step 1: Choose Jira issues

  • Choose which Jira issues you’d like to sync

  • Define them in more detail → Click on “+ more” → Add more criteria

Step 2: Choose a To Do list

  • Choose a To Do list to sync Jira issues in

Step 3: Configure the sync

  • Choose and define your sync in more detail:

    • Sync due dates (of Jira issues, as well!)

    • Define dependency Jira issue <> To Do (in more detail!)

    • Define dependency To Do <> Jira issue

Start the sync

  • Now you are all set and you can start the sync.

  • After starting it, it will sync all issues to your To Do list, that currently match your filter.

  • You will be able to preview which issues will be created as tasks, by clicking “Preview issues”.

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