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Jira Cloud (Microsoft To Do for Jira)

Here we will publish the latest changes and bugfixes that went live.


  • Fixed a long standing bug that would not complete tasks in To Do for certain sync criteria


  • Fixed a bug that would disable issues being transitioned for all project if it was disabled for one project

New features

  • We now set additional metadata on tasks, that will soon allow you to identify Jira issues quicker. This is only working in To Do on the web right now, but will soon work on Android & iOS as well.


  • Fixed an issue that tasks would not be completed on issue transitions if sync was enabled/disabled multiple times

New features

  • Now available in German as well 🇩🇪


  • Fixed that the To-Do panel in the Jira issue would sometimes not load / appear too small

  • Fixed that the To-Do panel was not loading if you deleted the automatically synced task

  • Fixed that new lists could not be created when configuring a sync


  • Fixed that due date would not sync correctly to To Do

New features

  • If you have a sync enabled for a project, the synced list is now pre-selected when creating tasks manually using “My Tasks”


  • Sync should now work in next-gen projects

  • Fixed preview of synced issues would not update correctly after filter change


  • Fixed a bug that would only show 10 of your To Do lists

  • Fixed a regression that would not allow renaming tasks

  • Improved UI for manual task

🚀 Initial Release

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