Renew a license
This article is mostly relevant for our Server/Data Center customers, as any renewals for Cloud automatically take place.
License banner
Whenever a license runs out or the app has been uninstalled, a license banner appears on space or page level screens.

Cloud vs. Server licenses
For Confluence Cloud customers this banner usually does not appear, because app licenses are automatically renewed on a monthly basis.
However, as an admin you can consciously decide to disable or uninstall an app in your Confluence settings. Thus, the app cannot be used anymore. Inform your team about that change.
For Confluence Server/Data Center customers, licenses usually expire after a year. Admins needs to renew those licenses in order to keep on providing specific tools for their team. If they miss the deadline for renewal, a license banner occurs on the screen.
License renewal
This mainly is for Confluence Server / Data Center customers still using our old Outlook Calendars for Confluence app.
If a license has expired, go to your Confluence settings → manage apps.

Click on “buy now” and renew your license to keep going.
In the past, Server/Data Center customers still could use some app’s features although the license has expired. Due to more advanced features in our apps (e.g. sharing options) we stopped this service.