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Shared chat access

When you create a new Teams chat from Jira, you have the option to choose the access for this chat.

How it works

When you share a chat with a Jira issue, you can give (read-only) access to other Jira users, that have access to this issue, e.g. other agents in a JSM project. Even though they are not a participant of the chat, they’ll still be able to view the chat content. This works, by using our existing share-functionality, which allows you to gives other Jira users very narrow access, to access the chat info on your behalf.


Currently, there are only two options to choose from, though we are working on expanding this.

🔒 Private

This respects all Teams default permissions, e.g. only members of the chat can access chat contents.

👫 Shared

This gives read-only access to all Jira users or JSM agents that have access to this issue, and are logged in with Microsoft Teams.

👫 Shared & allow joining

This gives read-only access to all Jira users or JSM agents that have access to this issue, and are logged in with Microsoft Teams. In addition, if a user wants to participate in the chat, they can simply join the chat on their own.

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