Update failed (COM add-in only)
The following information refers to COM ADD-IN.
If the automatic update to the new Outlook Email for Jira failed, this can have different reasons. Oftentimes, the update cannot be installed due to the firewall or the proxy server of the company.
Nevertheless, you will be able to update to the new version in the following two ways.
1. Whitelist the update URL
If possible, you can ask to whitelist the update URL so that it will not be blocked by the firewall or proxy anymore. The update runs on Outlook startup and checks for new updates at: https://api-v2.yasoon.com/*.
2. Update manually
You can also download the new version of Jira for Outlook manually. The new version will then automatically replace the older one. You will not need to uninstall the older version.
The installation process can be found here: Installation COM add-in.
The Office add-in is always up-to-date and does not require any action from your side.