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Work with your Jira board in Microsoft Teams

By adding your preferred Jira board as a tab in Microsoft Teams, you provide access to valuable Jira information, keeping non-Jira users informed. The Jira board in Teams mirrors its appearance in Jira, allowing drag-and-drop status changes, direct issue creation, and quick access to issue details - all within Teams.


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Feature at a glance

Jira board in Microsoft Teams - an overview

To gain a comprehensive overview, you can integrate Jira boards as a tab into your preferred Microsoft Teams channel. This allows even non-Jira users to access and collaborate on Jira issues seamlessly.


Transition issues and change status

You can manage Jira issues in Microsoft Teams, changing their status easily via drag and drop (Side note: ranking issues by priority is not yet available). Status changes will reflect in Jira.


Detailed issue view - work with issues in Microsoft Teams

Non-Jira users can click on a Jira issue to access more detailed information. The issue view in Microsoft Teams keeps the conversation within the full context of Jira, improving collaboration on projects.

Currently, related chats appear as a deep link, opening in a new window when clicked. You can access issue attachments directly from Microsoft Teams, but adding new attachments is not yet available.


Feature configuration

First of all, in order to use Jira features in Microsoft Teams (e.g. accessing information from Jira in Microsoft Teams) a connection between Jira and Microsoft Teams needs to be established. This connection needs to be set-up by your Microsoft Teams team owner (refer to: Admin configuration).

User configuration

This feature offers instant accessibility with no user configuration needed; you can start using it right away.

Admin configuration

To get started, the installation of the Smart Connect for Jira app (free) is necessary. This task should be carried out by either the Microsoft Teams team owner or the Microsoft Teams admin.

The installation process is straightforward and can be completed in just a few clicks by following the instructions available within the Jira admin settings.

If you’re not a Jira admin but a team owner, you can follow this link to directly start the installation in Microsoft Teams: Install Smart Connect in Microsoft Teams.

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