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Microsoft Teams set-up

When activating the Teams feature, you’ll need to install our Microsoft Teams - Smart Connect app.

This requires a Microsoft administrator to install and deploy the app among your company / team.

Follow the steps outlined below.




To Do

Step 1

Jira admin

Activate Teams feature globally or for specific projects
via the global admin settings in Jira

Step 2

Microsoft admin

Install Microsoft Teams - Smart Connect app

Step 3

Microsoft admin

Microsoft Teams app

Customer portal app
(JSM only)

Step 4

Microsoft admin

Approve Microsoft 365 access

Step 1: Activate Teams feature



Activate features in the Jira admin settings (globally and/or project specific).

Step 2: Install Microsoft Teams app

Follow instructions here for Jira Server / Data Center.


Jira admin settings

When opening our Teams settings in Jira, you can jump directly to the Teams settings screen to install the app.

Learn more about our MS Teams app and its necessity.



Install the app from MS Teams. Go via “Apps” and search for “Smart Connect for Jira”.

Alternatively, use this direct link: Smart Connect for Jira

(question) Can’t find it: Get help here.



Add the app to a team in your Microsoft Teams.

(question) If this option is disabled, get help here.



Choose where you want to install the app in. Select and continue.

That’s it! Log in and go ahead.

(question) If this step shows an error message, please find help here.

Please note: Since our app requires certain permissions, it can only be installed by a team owner in Microsoft Teams. When installing the Smart Connect for Jira app centrally, users will get notified since a bot has been set up.

Why Microsoft Teams app?

It is our Microsoft Teams - Smart Connect app that connects Jira with Microsoft Teams and thus, enables you and your team to use Jira features in Microsoft Teams (e.g. to create Jira issues based on Microsoft Teams conversations and/or chats or to share Jira issues with your team in Teams to discuss them).

Only by installing the Microsoft Teams app can you:

Without installing the Microsoft Teams application, you have the ability to:

Step 3: Deploy Microsoft Teams app


In certain environments, installing the Teams app might not be possible. Not even by the team owner.

However, there are ways to enable the app anyway!

Step 3: Customer portal app



Install the customer portal in your MS Teams sidebar.

Allow customers to raise tickets without switching to Jira.

Step 4: Approve MS 365 access

Our application, Microsoft 365 for Jira, requires specific access permissions to function correctly and unleash its full potential.

Failure to do so may result in features not working as intended.



Approve Microsoft 365 access in order to use our features.

Learn more about Microsoft 365 permissions for our app.

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