Release Notes Server / Data Center
Features & improvements
New create and edit meeting dialog
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed space calendar not rendering
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed conflicts during macro editing with other apps
Fixed how the calendar filters events when selecting more than one avatar. Previously, it would only show events with everyone selected. Now, any events with any of the selected avatars will be shown.
Fixed editing JQL calendar not saving changes correctly
New features
Added a new quick filter to the calendar
Improved connectivity setup and enhanced logs
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed issue with time zones in some edge cases
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed Outlook calendars not always loading when too many calendars are present
For Confluence 8 compatibility: Editing the macro on unsaved drafts has been blocked (After saving, the calendar is editable again)
New features
Outlook events are now fully editable
Added a date picker to quickly navigate in view mode
Recurring status of Outlook events is visible on calendar view
Added german translation
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed buttons in event hover not always working
Fixed some Jira calendars only fetching 20 issues
Fixed events showing as all day, when switching from agenda month to other agenda views
Fixed calendar migration not working for older calendar versions
New features
Added Jira sprint calendar
Added create event button in bottom right corner
Enabled the calendar to be added in the Confluence excerpt macro
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed fetching Outlook events for over 60 days did not work
Fixed JQL parsing not working reliably
Fixed editing JQL calendars not working
Fixed migration from v1 not finishing for some customers
Added warning message if a calendar is not sharable
Improved error handling if SSL certificate is outdated
🧐 Notable bugfixes
Fixed the evaluation of the license in the macro
🚀 We're excited to release a new major version of our app Outlook Calendars for Confluence! We have refactored the entire app and a lot has changed, find out what's new here. 🎉
Before upgrading to the latest version of the app, please verify that your infrastructure meets our new requirements. We have summarised them on our requirements page.