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To Do: Keep track of your daily tasks

This feature is only available for Jira Cloud!


With our Microsoft To Do integration you can easily keep track of your tasks.

In Jira you can add personal tasks to the issue which are automatically pushed to your Microsoft To Do list within seconds.

Organize your workday in Microsoft To Do and access not even your personal tasks, but also your Jira issues.

The best: Set-up the sync between Jira and MS To Do simple or advanced and configure in more detail how the sync should be set-up.


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Feature configuration

With To Do, no primary configuration at admin level is required. The feature works right out of the box. At least, the admin needs to activate the feature on admin level (right after the app installation) to make it available for the user.

After that, the feature can be configured by the individual user (see below: user configuration).

User configuration

Simple set-up

Define your MS To Do lists where you want to sync your issues in.

Basically you can sync two types of issues in MS To Do lists:

  • Issue assigned to me in this project

  • Issues with the highest priority in this project

Decide what should happen in To Do, if the status of the issue changes.

And decide what should happen in Jira, if the task is completed in To Do.

Advanced set-up

What’s more in the advanced mode:

  • Sync more than two issue types

  • Decide in more detail what should happen in To Do, if the status of the issue changes.

  • Define in more detail what should happen in Jira (issue transition), if the task is completed in To Do

  • Sync due dates from Jira to To Do


Admin configuration

There is no specific admin configuration required.

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