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Search and share Jira issues in Microsoft Teams


The Teams integration allows searching and sharing Jira issues directly from Microsoft Teams, which is useful for teams using multiple tools. Collaborate by triaging tickets and discussing Jira issues in Teams, sharing vital information to keep everyone informed and engaged.


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Feature at a glance

Search for Jira issues and share them in Microsoft Teams

Leverage the Teams integration to search and share Jira issues directly within Microsoft Teams. This enables you to work on Jira issues while keeping everyone informed. Engage with your team and initiate discussions or brainstorming sessions in the collaborative space where your team interacts.


Shared issues as adaptive cards

When you share issue information in a channel, an adaptive card is posted by the Smart Connect bot, detailing the issue. Jira users can open the issue directly by clicking the link on the card.


Feature configuration

First of all, in order to use Jira features in Microsoft Teams (such as searching and sharing Jira issues in Microsoft Teams) a connection between Jira and Microsoft Teams needs to be established. This connection needs to be set-up by your Microsoft Teams team owner (refer to: Admin configuration).

User configuration

This feature offers instant accessibility with no user configuration needed; you can start using it right

Admin configuration

To get started, the installation of the Smart Connect for Jira app (free) is necessary. This task should be carried out by either the Microsoft Teams team owner or the Microsoft Teams admin.

The installation process is straightforward and can be completed in just a few clicks by following the instructions available within the Jira admin settings.

If you’re not a Jira admin but a team owner, you can follow this link to directly start the installation in Microsoft Teams: Install Smart Connect in Microsoft Teams.

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