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Automation: Trigger

Set-up guide

Triggers in a Microsoft 365 tool are fired if a specific condition is met, e.g. ‘Teams chat created’ will be triggered for an issue, if a chat was created on this issue either via manual UI or automation 'Create Teams chat'. Learn more about how to use Jira automation and Microsoft 365 on this page.


Configure an automation trigger

Automation trigger settings

Explore the potential of the Microsoft 365 triggers.

Teams chat created



Configurable data


Teams chat created

Fired when a chat was successfully created in an Jira issue. The chat information will be accessible in the following automation.

  • Scope (Global or one or multiple Jira projects)

Similar to using the JSM comment functionality, an agent would want to stop the 'time to first response' SLA once a Teams chat with the customer has been started. The trigger 'Chat created' can move the issue into a different status which then stops the SLA.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the{{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{}} = Example chat topic

  chat: {
      topic: 'Example chat topic',
      audience: 'internal',
      messages: [{
          id: '1673964391687',
          text: '<p>Example message text</p>',
          webUrl: 'null',
          sender: {
              emailAddress: '',
              azureUser: {
                  oid: '48d31887-5fad-4d73-a9f5-3c356e68a038',
                  tenantId: 'dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35'
      creator: {
          azureUser: {
              oid: '48d31887-5fad-4d73-a9f5-3c356e68a038',
              tenantId: 'dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35',
          emailAddress: '',
          atlassianUser: {
              accountId: '487428:as62sa3e-978f-460c-b954-c1c8783683a36',
          azureBot: {
              botId: '',
              displayName: ''
      members: [{
          emailAddress: '',
          azureUser: {
              oid: '87d349ed-44d7-43e1-9a83-5f2406dee5bd',
              tenantId: 'dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35'
      createdDateTime: '2023-09-05T11:00:00.0+0200',
      lastUpdatedDateTime: '2023-09-05T11:00:00.0+0200',

Teams conversation created



Configurable data


Teams conversation created

Fired when a conversation was successfully created in an issue. The conversation information will be accessible in the following automation steps.

  • Scope (Global or one or multiple Jira projects)

When creating a Teams conversation in an issue set a comment for the reporter or send an email to the stakeholder with a predefined template that you are discussing this internally with your team.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the{{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{webhookData.createdFrom}} = jira

  createdFrom: 'jira',
  channelMessage: {
      id: '1673966101252',
      aadGroupId: '02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315',
      channelId: '',
      tenantId: 'dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35',
      webUrl: ''

Outlook email sent



Configurable data


Outlook email sent

Fired when an email was successfully sent in a Jira issue. The email information will be accessible in the following automation.

  • Scope (Global or one or multiple Jira projects)

When a team member sends an email from a Jira issue the issue will be transitioned to status 'in progress' and a Start Date/Due Date will be added.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the {{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{}} = Test email

  email: {
    subject: "Test email",
    sender: {
      emailAddress: {
        address: "",
        name: "Megan Bowen"
    body: {
      content: "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body><p>This is a test email</p></body></html>",
      contentType: "html"
    bodyPreview: "This is a test email",
    toRecipients: [
        emailAddress: {
          address: "",
          name: "Nestor Wilke"
    ccRecipients: [
        emailAddress: {
          address: "",
          name: "Patti Fernandez"
    webLink: "",
    sentDateTime: "2023-09-05T11:00:00.0+0200"

Outlook email received



Configurable data


Outlook email received

This trigger acts as a 'Reply' trigger. It activates when an Outlook email is already linked to an issue (either by sending an email from Jira or by attaching an email in Outlook to an issue) and a reply is received in the linked conversation. The trigger only responds to ongoing conversations, firing with each new reply.

  • Scope (Global or one or multiple Jira projects)

The trigger allows for automatic actions such as changing the status of an issue or notifying individuals who need to respond. In Jira Service Management, for example, the status could be updated from ‘Waiting for customer response’ to ‘Review needed’ or a similar change.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the {{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{}} = Test email

  "email": {
    "subject": "Test email",
    "sender": {
      "emailAddress": {
        "address": "",
        "name": "Megan Bowen"
    "body": {
      "content": "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body><p>This is a test email</p></body></html>",
      "contentType": "html"
    "bodyPreview": "This is a test email",
    "toRecipients": [
        "emailAddress": {
          "address": "",
          "name": "Nestor Wilke"
    "ccRecipients": [
        "emailAddress": {
          "address": "",
          "name": "Patti Fernandez"
    "bccRecipients": [
        "emailAddress": {
          "address": "",
          "name": "Miriam Mckenzie"
    "webLink": "",
    "sentDateTime": "2023-09-05T11:00:00.0+0200"

Outlook meeting created



Configurable data


Outlook meeting created

Fired when a meeting was successfully created in an Jira issue. The meeting information will be accessible in the following automation.

  • Scope (Global or one or multiple Jira projects)

When a team member created an meeting from a Jira issue the issue will be transition to status 'in progress' and a comment with the 'Join url' will be added.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the {{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{webhookData.event.subject}} = Test meeting

  event: {
    subject: "Test meeting",
	start: {
		dateTime: "2021-01-01T14:00:00.000Z",
		timeZone: "UTC"
		isoDateTime: "2021-01-01T14:00:00.0+0000"
		isoDate: "2023-09-05"
	end: {
		dateTime: "2021-01-01T15:00:00.000Z",
		timeZone: "UTC"
		isoDateTime: "2021-01-01T15:00:00.0+0000"
		isoDate: "2023-09-05"
	isAllDay: false,
	attendees: [
			emailAddress: {
				address: "",
				name: "Nestor Wilke"
	organizer: {
		emailAddress: {
			address: "",
			name: "Megan Bowen"
	body: {
		content: "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body><p>This is a test meeting</p></body></html>",
		contentType: "html"
	bodyPreview: "This is a test meeting",
	webLink: "",
	location: {
		displayName: "Test location",
	joinWebUrl: "",

Teams channel message received



Configurable data


Teams channel message received

Fired when the Teams bot receives a message with the configured keyword in a channel.

  • Teams bot

  • Message type: Trigger on all messages, on replies, only on new (top-level) messages, or only on replies to an issue conversation.

  • Message pattern: The message text must match with a specific pattern defined using regular expression, which allows you to filter messages based on text content, structure, or keywords (defined via '#')

  • Limit to channels.

Message pattern “all messages”:

When a team member posts a message to a MS Teams channel, the automation rule creates a new Jira issue (based on the whole content of the message).

Message pattern “#keyword”:

When a Team member adds a custom bot command, e.g. #review to a Teams channel conversation, the attached issue goes to a dedicated column, e.g. ‘Review’. Team members don’t have to log in into Jira to move Jira issues.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the{{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{webhookData.channelMessage.text}} = #myMessage

  channelMessage: {
      text: "#myMessage",
      id: "1673966742636",
      aadGroupId: "02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315",
      channelId: "",
      tenantId: "dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35",
      sender: {
          azureUser: {
              oid: "48d31887-5fad-4d73-a9f5-3c356e68a038",
              tenantId: "dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35"
          emailAddress: "",
          atlassianUser: {
              accountId: "487428:as62sa3e-978f-460c-b954-c1c8783683a36"
      webUrl: ""

Teams bot message received



Configurable data


Teams bot message received

Fired when the Teams bot receives a personal message with the configured keyword.

  • Message pattern: The message text must match with a specific pattern defined using regular expression, which allows you to filter messages based on text content, structure, or keywords (defined via '#').

Message pattern “#keyword”:

When a team member sends a custom bot command, such as #create, to the bot in MS Teams, the automation rule creates a new issue in Jira.

See also below data of trigger.

You can use the following data of the trigger wherever smart-values are supported with the{{webhookData}} annotation. For example: {{webhookData.message.sender.emailAddress}} =

  message: {
      sender: {
          emailAddress: "",
          azureUser: {
              oid: "48d31887-5fad-4d73-a9f5-3c356e68a038",
              tenantId: "dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35"
          azureBot: {
              botId: "a59a53d0-f38c-4819-9bb8-ef0e1deb74c7",
              displayName: "Smart Connect for Jira"
      conversationId: "a:1_3Tlq0EX9C1wi8w_9SYpiCuHZdoiM4_lxfz0j1MLvhbahomSht3ESPrtDOQLTx6-YZVREXWpe3_5nh8tVMatdPQ5DrUSQgdI40BgQ_B_U44ZVBioUjkQ4ZjEHUiNOxPj",
      id: "1673966464449",
      tenantId: "dcd219dd-bc68-4b9b-bf0b-4a33a796be35",
      webUrl: ""

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