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Cloud Limitations

There are a few limitations to be aware of, due to the nature of the app. As we cannot just embed the official Jira Service portal in Teams, it’s a custom app that tries to mimic the normal customer portal as closely as possible.

Custom fields

We currently support many custom fields that you can configure to your Jira Service Management portal view. As it’s a manual effort for certain kinds of fields, we do not support all possible fields out of the box. In case the screen to create a new request is missing any crucial fields, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’ll try to add the field in an upcoming version.

Third party app compatibility

Another limitation of re-building the functionality is the missing app support. In case you do have custom apps from the Atlassian Marketplace to extend your customer portal, unfortunately we can’t show the app in Teams. We are in early evaluation of supporting certain apps, but in the meantime, please use the “Compatibility mode” toggle in the Jira configuration page for a workaround. Instead of opening the form in Teams itself, a click on the request type in the app will then open in the users browser, where they will be able to complete the request.

Customer single-sign-on using email address

As of today, Atlassian does not provide a good way of authenticating / identifying customers externally. To avoid having customer users go trough a weird workaround of a login flow, we decided to start with a simple single-sign-on, based on the users email address. In most cases, this should just work out of the box, e.g. when the users email address in Outlook / Microsoft 365 is the same as in Jira.

However, there might be certain cases (e.g. email aliases, hybrid setups), where the email address does not match. Please see our dedicated troubleshooting article (Teams portal app: Known issues) or reach out to our support!

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