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Deployment customer portal

Deployment options

The Teams portal app can be deployed in two different ways. Either:

  • centrally (by a MS Teams admin)

  • locally/per user (if permissions are given)

We recommend to test the app for yourself first via the local installation.

Who is in charge

  • At first, the Jira admin needs to configure the portal in the admin settings

  • The deployment in MS Teams can be done either:

    • Option 1: via an individual user (with permissions to upload third party apps)

    • Option 2: via a Microsoft Teams admin to make the portal app available to specific users to install on their own (see: Option 1)

    • Option 3: via a Microsoft Teams admin to upload the portal app centrally

  • Option 2-3 need to be configured via the MS Teams admin center

Deploy portal app locally

If single users have respective permissions, they can install the customer portal app on their own into MS Teams.

If your company has disabled installing apps for users, you might need the help of your Microsoft admin to give permissions/consent via Azure. Of course, MS Teams admins can follow the below mentioned guide, too, if they’d like to test the functionality of the portal on their own first.

Please note:
The customer portal app needs to be set-up in Jira first by your Jira admin.

Deploy customer portal centrally

If you finished testing (see option one) and want to provide the app centrally to your users, you have two options to do so:

  • via the Microsoft Teams company-wide app (manually)

  • via the Microsoft Teams admin policy (automated)

Both deployment options should be carried out via your Microsoft Teams admin. To gain a comprehensive overview of the deployment process, be sure to click through the demo below, which outlines all the necessary steps.

In case you want to learn more about general concepts of apps in Microsoft Teams, we recommend reading the official Microsoft documentation.

Please note: If you are a Microsoft Teams admin, but not an active Teams user, the app icon might not display correctly.

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