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Deployment Microsoft Teams app

This deployment guide is intended for MS Teams admins and MS admins, if the team owner encounters issues installing the Smart Connect app independently.

The typical installation process can be followed. See here: Install Smart Connect app 🚀

Deploy app to (all/specific) teams


MS Teams admin center

Got to “Teams apps” → “Manage apps”.

Search for “Smart Connect” and select our app.


MS Teams admin center

After selecting the app → click on “Add to team” → search for all or specific teams → “Apply” and the app will be available for those teams selected.

If the app is not permitted by default, you may need to grant permission for the app to function properly. (see: Exception: environment restrictions).

Deploy app to (all/specific) users


MS Teams admin center

Go to “Teams apps” → “Setup policies”.

Choose a policy to deploy the app for your users.


Deploy the app

Click on “Add apps” → choose a policy in the sidebar → search for our “Smart Connect app” and add it.


Pin the app

After you have deployed the app successfully, you can pin the app in your MS Teams sidebar.

Go to the section “Pinned apps” → “Add apps” → Pick Smart Connect app and add to the list.

Exception: environment restrictions

By default, the option for team owners to independently install applications is typically enabled. If this is not the case, action must be taken by your MS 365 administrator or MS Teams administrator.

In some cases, there may be environments where the owner of a Microsoft Teams team is restricted from installing apps independently for their teams or users.

To enable the installation, please follow the steps outlined below.

AzureAD portal

Permit app installation by going to: AzureID Portal User Settings and allow team owners to install apps by themselves.

MS Teams admin center

Go to “Teams apps “ → choose “permission policies”.

Choose the policy that is assigned to your Jira users in Teams (if you just have the global one, choose this.)

MS Teams admin center

Allow the installation of 3rd party apps (or just allow the installation for our Microsoft Teams - Smart Connect for Jira app.) in the next step.

🚀 The MS teams owner can now install our Smart Connect app in their team.

Please note: It may take up to 24 hours for the app to be visible for users in Teams.

Heads up

If you see the error message below, the app should install without issue. It seems there is a bug on Microsoft's end causing this problem.

User can install the Smart Connect app on their own, if they have respective permissions to do so. This can be useful for testing reasons.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.