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Create new Jira issues in MS Teams

Feature overview

Your team lets you know that they are working a new topic? Simply create a new Jira issue based on the Microsoft Teams conversation and stay on top of your current and future tasks.


Jira issues can be created based on any MS Teams channel conversation or chat.

  • Select a channel conversation → Click on the menu dots → Choose “more actions” → Create new issue
    (see screenshot above)

  • A dialogue opens → Fill in the required fields → Create the issue

Link conversation

  • Select the “link conversation” checkbox → Message will be linked to Jira issue

  • Advantage: The whole message thread will be visible in Jira!

We currently only support a limited set of fields/custom fields. If you are missing an important field, please raise a support request!

Feature requirements

In order to create new Jira issues in Microsoft Teams channels, the following set-up and configuration needs to done:

Jira & Microsoft deployment

  • Jira Cloud, Jira Server & Data Center (Server needs to be publicly available)

  • Microsoft 365 & MS Exchange

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