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Preset: Teams

Set-up guide

Preset for the Microsoft Teams feature can be defined for chats and channel conversations. Learn more about the configuration process below.


Configure a Preset for Teams chats

Click through this short demo to configure a Preset for Teams chats.

Configure a Preset for Teams Channel conversations

Click through this short demo to configure a Preset for Teams channel conversations.

Preset settings

Preset framework


Framework settings

Create your Preset for all or only JSM projects. Decide on a name and description and define even more aspects.

Project restriction

Decide between Jira or JSM projects.
If you wish to modify the restriction, a new Preset must be created.

Preset name

Choose a specific name so that users understand the usage of the Preset.

Preset icon

Choose a suitable icon for the Preset.

Preset tag

Use tags e.g. “internal” / “external” / “sensitive” etc. to categorize the Preset for the user.

Preset description

Be as precise as possible to distinguish easier among your Presets.

Default settings

To access chat participants or MS Teams channels, you must log in with your Microsoft 365 account via this button on the bottom of the page. image-20241112-082933.png


Set defaults

Decide on chat title, message, participants and chat access options here. The user could edit the settings in the issue.

Chat title & message

Choose among established chat templates which content should be prefilled with a Preset for your Teams chats. Give the chat Preset a title.


Static user: Search by email for a required persons.
Jira field: Enter a Jira field term to be added here.

Chat access

Decide whether to share the content of the chat or to keep it private.

Notifications in Microsoft Teams


Notification settings
For Teams chats, you can choose which app should post updates about the issue or request to the relevant Teams chat. Only one app per Preset can be selected.

Teams app

(Smart Connect)

Selectable with project restriction: Jira projects
Operating as a bot, our Smart Connect app will post updates into the corresponding chat. This has to be approved by your Microsoft admin.


Teams portal app

(your JSM customer portal in Teams)

Select with project restrictions: JSM projects
If the Preset is set up for JSM projects, the admin can choose among the customer portal or Smart Connect bot.

Teams portal bot (referred to as “IT support” below): Customer-related updates will be posted in the existing customer chat. We recommend using this for customer-facing notifications.

Smart Connect bot: Selected issue changes will be posted into the relevant chat or channel (depending on selected Preset) by the Teams app “Smart Connect”. Use this for internal communication, like triage cases.

Learn more about notifications in JSM projects here.


Built-in automations

Please note: Chat notifications (as mentioned above) will automatically be configured as built-in automations.


Automate workflows

Set-up additional automations here to make workflows more efficient.

Choose from built-in automations that integrate Microsoft 365 features with Jira. No manual setup is required. These settings are active throughout the chat's lifecycle and have no automation service limit.

If you want to set up more advanced Jira automation rules with Microsoft 365, click here.

Chat created
>> add Jira comment

Whenever a Teams chat is created, a Jira comment will be added to the issue (and involved persons will be notified via email)

Issue updated (resolved)
>> Hide chat

Whenever an issue is resolved, the corresponding Teams chat(s)/conversation(s) will be hidden in MS Teams for the service agents

Issue updated (resolved)
>> Remove reporter and request participants from chat JSM ONLY

Whenever an issue is resolved, reporter and request participants will be removed from chats (useful in JSM context so customers won’t use the existing communications for new topics). Thus, they will not be able to complete the CSAT survey.

Issue updated (resolved)
>> Chat backup*

Whenever an issue is resolved, the corresponding chat(s)/conversation(s) will be backed up as a PDF file to the issue.

*Generate keyword comment

Define a set of keywords to easily find the PDF afterwards (in Jira).

Finish set-up


Create Preset

When finishing the set-up of the Teams Preset, you can decide between different activation options.


Create the Preset and it will be available in the admin / project settings in Jira. It needs to be manually activated via the settings.

Create + activate globally

Create and activate the Preset and it is automatically active in all Jira projects with no project-specific settings.

📌 Please note: If there are project specific settings, the project admin still needs to activate the Preset manually via the project settings.

Create + force activation for all projects

Create and activate the Preset and it is automatically active in all Jira projects regardless of project-specific settings.

📌 Please note: Project specific settings will be overridden and the Preset will automatically be available and selectable in the Jira issue.

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