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Feature overview

Our app provides you with a broad selection of features when working in Jira, Outlook Email, Microsoft Teams, Outlook Calendar and Microsoft To Do. Learn more about the power of connecting your Office tools with Jira.

Admin responsibilities

yasoon’s app requires both the Jira and Microsoft 365 administrators to activate and implement Microsoft 365 for Jira for your team. Therefore, we recommend that you involve both parties to ensure a smooth and efficient setup process.

See the table below to understand at which point an action is required.



To Do

Step 1

Jira admin

Install Microsoft 365 for Jira via the Atlassian Marketplace

Step 2

Jira admin

Activate features globally or for specific projects
via the admin settings in Jira

Step 3

Microsoft (Teams) admin

Outlook add-in

Microsoft Teams app

Teams portal app
(JSM only)

Step 4

Microsoft (Teams) admin

Approves Microsoft 365 access

Follow the link to set-up Microsoft 365 for Jira.

Features in Jira

Connecting Jira with Microsoft 365 allows for more efficiency and structure in your everyday workflows.

Our Microsoft To Do feature is only available for Jira Cloud.

Features in Outlook

With Microsoft 365 for Jira, you can use Jira features from within your Outlook inbox, such as creating issues based on your email and more.

Features in Microsoft Teams

With Microsoft 365 for Jira, you can use Jira features in your Microsoft Teams, such as creating issues based on Microsoft Teams conversations or creating support tickets via your JSM portal directly from your navigation bar in Teams - and more.



With Presets, administrators can predefine Microsoft 365 settings for Jira or JSM projects, providing users with templates and context for their communication. There are presets for Microsoft Teams, email, and meetings features. The tutorial above shows an example of using a Teams chat preset.

Check out all Presets.


Use templates (globally or project specific) to prepare preconfigured content for MS Teams chats, channel conversations, Outlook meetings and emails.


Check out templates.


Jira automation offers a vast variety of technology-driven processes. By adding Microsoft 365 tools to Jira automation you can spin your processes even further.

Automation actions are not yet available for Jira Data Center.
The timeline will be shared soon.

Check out automation options.

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